Stefan Scherfke

Publishing to PyPI with a Trusted Publisher from GitLab CI/CD

Learn how to securely upload Python packages to PyPI from GitLab CI/CD pipelines using a “Trusted Publisher” (and without API tokens). Continuously test the release process with TestPyPI on every push. Use GitLab (deploy) environments as an additional security measure.

Typed Settings

I wrote a new settings library that has advantages and disadvantages compared to other settings libraries. With the use cases I have encountered over the last years, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, though.

Raise … from … in Python

Pylint 2.6.0 raises the new warning raise-missing-from. What does that mean? This post explains Pythons raise ... from ... syntax and demonstrates, how you can improve the meaning of re-raised exceptions by adding their underlying cause.

Attrs, Dataclasses and Pydantic

Attrs, data classes and pydantic seem very similar on a first glance, but they are very different when you take a closer look. In this article, I’ll find out, what these libraries have in common, how they differ and which one I’m going to use in the future.

The macOS Dark Mode, your Terminal and Vim

MacOS’ new Dark Mode is quite nice, but as a developer, you might also want to switch your Terminal profile and Vim theme – all at the same time, of course …

How to mask an image with a smooth circle in PyQt5

Masking a QPixmap with a smooth circle is not as easily done as one might wish. I’ll show you how to do it with the help of a QImage, a QPainter and a QBrush. I also take care of Retina displays.

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